Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What did you do last summer?

(above) A “RUSTY” (very rusty) Kirk Barker.

As you can see, Christmas pudding was good to me last year. My New-Year’s resolution was to work it off, but - I’m still working on it.

Over the festive period, the fam and I headed to NSW’s mid-north coast. We’ve a regular haunt there. It’s a great place to relax.

My favourite past-time is ‘beach driving’. Aussies have to be the luckiest people on the planet. You could spend a lifetime doing just a one-lap tour of our country’s coastline. And that wouldn’t include a peek at the more than 7,600,000 square kilometres in the middle!

Here is a clip of the JK on the sand. Annoying background music included!!

What about you? What did you do last summer?

I'd love to see you pics, clips or stories. Please email them here

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